Tom and I.

Tom and I.
Taken at The Arcade Fire show in Hyde Park, London.

17 June 2011

Albany drivers.... trying to kill each other, all day, every day!

Hi folks,
It's time to write about something that's constantly annoying me everyday living in the Capital District.  The driving habits of the inhabitants in this city.  Admittedly, I am what people would call an aggressive driver and don't give anyone and inch.  However, even though I do drive with some gusto, I try to remain safe whilst doing so.  A little courtesy goes a long way, and when I don't see it-- I wish I had a twelve gauge shotgun for some "Street Justice."  Let's delve into some of the issues we see on our roads.

Before we get started, I think it's important to compare the driving habits of Albany vs. a few other cities.  I am no stranger to driving in major metropolitan areas and I can tell you-- Albany drivers suck!  I constantly see people taking a much better level of care in NYC, Boston (cringe), Philly, and Chicago.  These folks understand driving is a chore, but can be enjoyed as well.  If you've ever been on the Skyway in Chicago or Thruway once you get past the toll barriers to the South, you know what I'm talking about.  Speed isn't an issue if people abide to some simple rules!  God forbid if you change lanes without signalling.  This is inherently dangerous and brings me to my first beef with Smalbanians.


 I know that you are quite sure that you intend to pull into that artery-clogging fast food joint, or to pick up Auntie Rita from the doctor's office.  Well, I don't!  Can you at least give me the courtesy of letting me know this?  I mean really, it's not hard-- and it's the law!  If you look closely when you cross the state line into New York (on any major road), it is clearly posted that you MUST signal when changing lanes.  Oh wait, and did I forget to mention to can kill me??  Let's be frank, we can die if we have an impact at these speeds!  Therefore, it is extremely important that we take a little extra care when undertaking a ride on the Expressway. Seriously folks, this is simple, so do it.

Off the highway subject but in relation to the signal subject are Traffic Signals.  These can be traffic lights, signs, or even the paint on the road.  These signals were/are put up by trained traffic engineers that have undertaken long university courses.  No matter how much you think your pea-sized brain can do better, don't!

Albanians, I think we need to include a color eye test to see if you lot can identify Red, Amber and Green.  It seems from the frequency I see people testing their limits at these junctions, you can't see at all.  We are all guilty of squeezing an amber light, but I see tons of folks ripping through blatant reds.  This can be frustrating when you're trying to turn left into traffic and are stuck in the middle of the intersection!  It is because of this, I, Albert J. Anderson fully advocate implementing cameras on each and every light in the Capital District.  It's working fine in NYC and five other areas in New York, why not here?  Hit the jerks where it hurts 'em... their wallets!

Now, for the paint.  We are all familiar with the turning lanes in the middle of our roads.  This is a turning lane.... NOT A FREAKIN' FIFTH LANE!  Don't drive down the damn thing for a quarter of a mile!  It's meant to let you merge in and to disrupt the traffic around you in the least way possible.  Also, please notice the damn hatch marks in these areas--- let's go back to traffic school.  This means YOU CANNOT DRIVE IN THIS AREA!  When has a hatch mark ever signified something else?  In life or driving.  Test my theory pulling onto E. Highland Drive across from Stuyvesant Plaza.  I constantly swerve into the path of Lexus', Range Rovers, etc. on a daily basis.  If they hit me, it's their fault... and I am willing to ruin their day.  This is all because they fail to see the paint (or don't even give a shit) and just drive down the center from Schoolhouse Road.  BASTARDS!

I am not going to get into any other signals aside from the "No Right Turn on Red" signs.  Please just be patient.  It's there to protect you dummy!  Don't try to zip out of these areas like you own the place.

The next topic I am really adamant about is a very important one (and also goes along with the paint).  Traffic Circles/Rotaries/Roundabouts are becoming an increasingly important part of our life, in the Northeastern U.S. and nationally as well.  I am not so sure if I ever had any training in my drivers education courses, but I think they need to be driven into kids' heads these days.

Rule one, if there's no car coming on your left hand side, don't stop!  You can plainly see if something is coming.  This is why the damn thing was invented in the first place-- to move you around better.  Also, for God sake, LOOK AT THE SIGNS BEFORE ENTERING INTO THE ROUNDABOUT!  This will tell you which lane to be in and for which road(s).  If you just took a couple seconds to see these signs, you'd have a lot less close calls in them.

Rule two, follow the damn paint!  If it says you need to turn to the left, don't zip in front of me at the last minute and cut me off!  You realize you are in a circle, right?  If you miss the turn, just go around again!  The road you were trying to reach will still be there.  Test my theory at the SUNY Albany roundabout next to the Nano School (coming from Washington Ave and towards Western on Fuller).  Watch and see how many people in the right lane don't realize that they HAVE to turn right (even though it's clearly posted).  They even put barrels in the road to guide you...  people have no clue.  I have to admit, I am getting increasingly animated whilst typing this... wish I could check my blood pressure!  :)

Okay, now onto what might be my biggest goddam problem with Albany drivers.  GET OFF THE PHONE FOLKS!  How many times have you witnessed a car driving erratically and wonder what the hell is going on in that car?  Me, a lot... and nine times out of ten, it's due to some idiot on their phone.  When you bought that device, chances are there was a hands-free set enclosed with it.  USE IT!  This is one difference I see from Metro NYC to Albany.  The cops down there don't tolerate that shit at all.  I think it should be enforced better and the penalty should be, "the arm that is holding the phone shall be cut off by saber."  :)  I think that would scare people out of doing it.  It's bad enough that talking while driving is equally as bad as driving drunk... really.  People aren't paying attention to the actual act of driving.  Please, put down the phone guys (or pull off in a safe area).

Okay, last topic.  We live in Upstate NY.  Arguably one of the harshest climates in the United States.  We drive through sleet, snow and freezing rain.... going 85 and reading the paper.  So, why... oh, why... can't we drive when it rains or it gets really sunny out??  How many times do you get upset when it's starting to rain and people revert to their "fetal instinct" and tense up because they see a bit of precipitation of their windshield.  Get over it... it's rain.

Same goes for the sun.  It's sunny... get a pair of shades and get on with it.  Or would you prefer that snow that we love so much?? Maybe just take a bit more care and act like it's snowing.... that would solve a lot of problems.  Don't think just because it's nice out that those two-ton metal objects are any less dangerous... try and see!  Albany Med needs some new cadavers for medical research!

Well folks... I think I have just got out about two years worth of road rage in just over one hour's time (the length of time it took me to write this).  The moral of this story is: PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEHIND THE WHEEL!  If you do that, at the very least, all of us are a little safer out there!  Happy road raging!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't have time to edit this. Bear with me and point out any grammatical errors you might see. Thanks!
