For too long, Albany has suffered with what quite possibly are, the worst taxi services in New York State. The reason that this upsets me is because it seems the City of Albany doesn't even care about the shady business practices that most firms employ. Not only is this a dark side of life for us residents, it surely reflects negatively on our city to out-of-towners who are visiting. What impression does it give them, if they receive the same service that I normally do? I can tell you, it's not a good thing.
Firstly, it's really annoying when you get told that the cab will be there in a certain time period. I have literally waited over an hour for a cab to arrive, only to give up and call another company! This is ridiculous and unfair. Just say that you cannot make it! Period! Giving people false hope when all they want to do is go home is seriously wrong! Strike one!
Another issue that I have is, every time that I get into a taxi, every single warning light in the dashboard is lit up. Now I know that if you have a check engine light on, it's in violation of our emissions law. Also, if the lights are all on, isn't that saying that you might never arrive? These cabs seem to be bandaged together with duct tape. Also, it's time to install credit card machines in the cars. We are in the Twenty-First Century now... let's act like it. NYC has had the machines for years. Strike two!
The next problem I have with the firms is their pricing. I can take the same ride three different times and get three different prices! Can we have some consistency here? Also, it's really unfair how they charge per person when I am heading in the same direction as the other passenger who is splitting the ride with me! I was once charged $25 to come from the rail station. I have no issue with that, but they also charged a female going to SUNY $25 as well! I live right next to the campus. This practice of doubling up fairs is wrong and also reflects Albany in a poor light. METERS! I don't care if they say they won't work. Yes they will. Springfield, MA has them. Springfield is very similar in size to Albany. If it works there, it will work here. But the firms' argument is we have Zone Pricing. Okay, that might be fair, however in 9/10 cabs that I travel in-- the sign is missing from the partition where it should be. Strike three! Yer out!
The final issue I have with the companies are the actual drivers. Most are, and let's be honest, less that desirable folks. I mean they openly smoke when the sign says that it's prohibited and disobey traffic laws regularly. I even question some of the drivers mental health (I have had some constantly talk to themselves! Wow, scary!). Have you been pulled over in a cab? I have! Have you witnessed drivers going down One Way streets backwards? I have (and when I spoke up to yell at them, I was told some less than pleasant words). This is ridiculous. We need reform and we need it now. It all starts with the little things. If we aren't going to repair this failing sector, can we at least talk about light rail or night buses? We need them if things don't improve. I am tired of dealing with sub-par service.
Firstly, it's really annoying when you get told that the cab will be there in a certain time period. I have literally waited over an hour for a cab to arrive, only to give up and call another company! This is ridiculous and unfair. Just say that you cannot make it! Period! Giving people false hope when all they want to do is go home is seriously wrong! Strike one!
Another issue that I have is, every time that I get into a taxi, every single warning light in the dashboard is lit up. Now I know that if you have a check engine light on, it's in violation of our emissions law. Also, if the lights are all on, isn't that saying that you might never arrive? These cabs seem to be bandaged together with duct tape. Also, it's time to install credit card machines in the cars. We are in the Twenty-First Century now... let's act like it. NYC has had the machines for years. Strike two!
The next problem I have with the firms is their pricing. I can take the same ride three different times and get three different prices! Can we have some consistency here? Also, it's really unfair how they charge per person when I am heading in the same direction as the other passenger who is splitting the ride with me! I was once charged $25 to come from the rail station. I have no issue with that, but they also charged a female going to SUNY $25 as well! I live right next to the campus. This practice of doubling up fairs is wrong and also reflects Albany in a poor light. METERS! I don't care if they say they won't work. Yes they will. Springfield, MA has them. Springfield is very similar in size to Albany. If it works there, it will work here. But the firms' argument is we have Zone Pricing. Okay, that might be fair, however in 9/10 cabs that I travel in-- the sign is missing from the partition where it should be. Strike three! Yer out!
The final issue I have with the companies are the actual drivers. Most are, and let's be honest, less that desirable folks. I mean they openly smoke when the sign says that it's prohibited and disobey traffic laws regularly. I even question some of the drivers mental health (I have had some constantly talk to themselves! Wow, scary!). Have you been pulled over in a cab? I have! Have you witnessed drivers going down One Way streets backwards? I have (and when I spoke up to yell at them, I was told some less than pleasant words). This is ridiculous. We need reform and we need it now. It all starts with the little things. If we aren't going to repair this failing sector, can we at least talk about light rail or night buses? We need them if things don't improve. I am tired of dealing with sub-par service.
Take a hike....quimmy
ReplyDeleteReally insightful Odeen.