Tom and I.

Tom and I.
Taken at The Arcade Fire show in Hyde Park, London.

01 June 2011

The Rockland Bakery

Just off the Spring Valley/Nanuet exit from the New York State Thruway sits the most amazing bakery that I have ever feasted my eyes on.  What sets this place apart, is everything!  It's a real mindfuck on the senses (sorry for that analogy-- but it is!).

The parking lot can be a war zone at busy times (read: weekends or just after work).  I have seen full combat parking here complete with parking lot rage.  Come on folks... it's only baked goods!  There will be plenty for all, rest assured. 

Most folks upon entering the bakery need a little tutorial from a seasoned vet.  I am your vet.  When you walk through the front door, bear left and head down the hallway.  You will see brown paper bags of assorted sizes.  You will also notice that there are plastic disposable gloves.  Take what you need here, gloves are mandatory for where you're heading!

At the end of the hallway you walk through the doors.  This is where the fun begins!  Directly to your right is the "bagel shooter" as I call it.  A machine that is literally shooting out hundreds of bagels.  I usually grab at least one of the freshest ones and then mix them up with the others that are on cooling racks.  The racks are plentiful and frankly can be overwhelming.  Every type of bread imaginable is here.  Rye, Challah, Semolina, baguettes, soda bread.... shall I carry on??  You understand...  You will also notice that there are HUGE loaves available for sale here.  See, Rockland does the majority of their business on the commercial end.  So it is highly possible that that roll in your NYC restaurant is baked here.  They also do food service supplies to the Times Union Center in Albany (hot dogs/hamburg rolls).

After you can get your head around what it was that you originally came in for... which you probably have forgotten in all the excitement, it's time to get that bread cut!  This is also the time to get some sinful delights.  When you bring the bread, make sure that you keep only one person helping you at once.  The heavily Hispanic staff can get a bit confusing for people that have a hard time understanding folks with thick accents.  Be warned.  They are for the most part, very friendly people who are happy to help you!

After you recover from your second assault on your senses, choose the pastries that fit your fancy.  I can personally vouch for all them.  This place doesn't let you down.  The rugalach is probably the best that I have ever eaten as are the sfogliatelle.  But the best part of all these yummy bread/cookies/goodies is that the prices are SUPER AFFORDABLE!  A dozen bagels is between $5-6.  Eat that sh*thole Brueggers!  A normal sized loaf of bread is $1.75.

 In addition to the pastries and production floor, there is also a deli.  While I haven't eaten there personally, I am sure it's more that fine.  I have spotted the Boar's Head logo on their deli counter, so it's gotta be of good quality.  Hey, the bread's fresh!  :)

The production never stops at this place, they bake seven days a week, 24 hours per day.  However, the retail shop isn't open round the clock.  As per usual I have included their website, so check the hours before going.  Happy bread hunting!

*- In the hallway that I spoke about there are usually specials on racks.  Sometimes it's hot dog rolls, sometimes garlic bread.  It's usually overstock that they are trying to shift quickly, so keep your eyes peeled.

Rockland Bakery Website  

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